Herokid Clothing
Image of Hand Mixed

Hand Mixed


We've been mixing colors, chemicals and solvents since we were kids. Growing up in Latin America 90's, and the lack of supplies to paint, led us to have to manufacture our own tools.
Today we are a mini factory located in Barcelona, dedicated to the manufacture of multi-colored hand-mixed markers, which, via mail and in small quantities, supplies graffiti to writers from all over the world.

Mezclar colores, químicos y solventes es algo que hacemos desde pequeños. Crecimos en Latinoamérica 90's, y la falta de material para pintar tuvimos que fabricar nuestras propias herramientas.
Hoy somos una mini-fabrica ubicada en Barcelona, dedicada a la fabricación de rotuladores multicolores mezclados a mano, que vía correo y en pequeñas cantidades, suministra graffiti a escritores de todo el mundo.

Hand Mixed x Herokid

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